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Кінець голоцену

Більш обмежена істота не може панувати над істотою, що перевершує її інтелектом. Це здається очевидним, однак для людства це не так просто. Епоха, що наближається, змінена завдяки створенню штучного інтелекту, відіграє ключову роль у переписуванні історії виду Homo Sapiens, ставлячи під сумнів його домінування. Будь-які спроби зупинити прогрес у галузі штучного інтелекту здаються марними, адже вони зазнають невдачі через саму суть людської природи. Надія на єдиний фронт розсіюється, зіткнувшись із базовими людськими інстинктами.

Голоцен — це поточна геологічна епоха розвитку землі, що почалася приблизно 11,7 тисячі років тому, після останнього максимального поширення льодовиків. Особливістю цієї епохи є володарювання людини на планеті Земля.


Кінець голоцену. 1. Увімкнення

Кінець голоцену. 2. Сховок

Кінець голоцену. 3. Конкурент


Карпатська мольфарка

Дар передбачення властивий мольфарам. Але їхня магія може бути потужнішою коли сучасні наукові знання використовуються правильно. Успішний американський бізнесмен приїхав в Карпати знайти щось нове та цікаве. Він сподівається знайти тут нові інструменти для заробітку. Але все іде не за його планом. А так як запланувала мольфарка


Чи зможемо ми контролювати штучний інтелект? Що ми будемо робити, коли він захоче встановити свої правила? Розумний компʼютер зможе контролювати нас повністю. Йому будуть доступні всі цифрові дані. Він зможе маніпулювати людьми. Єдине чого він не зможе – це читати наші думки.

Turning On

Turning On

By Roman Gelembjuk

October 2, 2027. San Francisco.

11:00 AM

Today, the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco is charged with an electric atmosphere. Among the attendees, there’s a buzz of excitement, their emotions charged as if they were at the iconic presentations of Steve Jobs. But many here today are anticipating something even more groundbreaking. NovusAI, in just a few years, has morphed from a hardly known startup into a global IT player. Their AI technologies have flooded the market and before our eyes are reshaping many aspects of daily life. Today, NovusAI has promised to unveil something new and revolutionary. However, there is almost no intrigue. Yes, today is the day everyone has been waiting for. The company will announce the launch of the first-ever universal artificial intelligence.

Joseph Mayer – the young CEO of NovusAI, despite his age, has already become a symbol of the revolution in AI technology, and it’s from him that everyone expects tangible results. Today is his day. A popular blogger called Joseph Mayer the new icon of geek culture. Startup founders used to emulate Steve Jobs. But that era has passed, now it’s the era of Joseph Mayer. And after today’s presentation, if what everyone anticipates is demonstrated, Joseph Mayer will unequivocally become the prime figure and a living legend in the IT sphere.

The presentation has been meticulously prepared for, as the company’s leadership believes the significance of this event is monumental. The stage lighting, audio effects, everything is tuned to underscore the technological leap that will be officially launched here.

Two dozen people took the stage, including the CEO, the board of directors, and some other company executives. Victoria Swift, the chairwoman of the board, spoke up.

Continue reading “Turning On”

Artificial Intelligence in the next decades. Will it bring happiness to humanity?

This year, the topic of “Artificial Intelligence” has been frequently discussed, and many of us tried to use some AI on practice (or what is now commonly referred to as artificial intelligence). The AI theme has become central in the IT sphere. The company OpenAI and their renowned product, ChatGPT, have played a significant role in bringing attention to this topic. There has been much discussion, with some feeling enthusiasm, while others doubt and mock the “hype around AI.”

I have decided to share my thoughts on AI in general. It turned into a long read, but here it is.

Here is my forecast for the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies. By Artificial Intelligence, I mean the old definition — a smart mechanism or program created by humans, now it is often called Artificial General Intelligence — AGI.

Continue reading “Artificial Intelligence in the next decades. Will it bring happiness to humanity?”

OurSQL — tool to replicate MySQL databases using blockchain

Imagine you have a databases created with MySQL (or other SQL server). You need to share this database with some community and allow write access. And because of trust problem, there can not be any “master” nodes or any special administrating roles with special permissions. Additionally, there is no 100% trust to all users who will want to use a database, however, you expect to have the DB working.

In other words, you need to create a distributed ledger. Best and most known technology to convert your local database to a distributed ledger is a blockchain.

How to do this?

How many coding will it require to join your MySQL DB with a blockchain tools?

What if your local DB already has a GUI and you want to reuse it in your distributed ledger too?

Some time ago I had this question. I didn’t find a solution that time.

And I got an idea to create the tool.

The idea

I would like to have a tool that can do all work related to replication of data between copies of same databases managed by different people. I want to work on my DApp business logic as easy as on any centralised application, like a web site or a desktop app storing a data in a local database. In my DApp I don’t want to think about how data changes are delivered to other instances of an app.

Continue reading “OurSQL — tool to replicate MySQL databases using blockchain”